Friday, August 17, 2012

News from SlamJam - Back 2 School 2012

News from

Sunday School Classes will be divided into three groups:
Nursery - Kindergarten - Mrs. Anna & Ms. Marty
1st Grade - 5th Grade - Mrs. Jessica & Mrs. Shannon
Jr High - High School - Mrs. Debbie

We will be meeting in the Children's Sunday School Hall (Wesley Building) starting this Sunday, Sept. 9th.
Sunday School starts at 8:45am.

All students & teachers are invited to bring their backpacks or notebooks with them to Church on Sunday, Sept. 9th for a special blessing for the new school year. 

We will also be having promotion Sunday for the Children's Department.

Children’s Church starts Sunday, Sept. 9th!!!

Children, nursery age-5th grade, are invited to leave the sanctuary after Sonshine Club on the 2nd-5th Sundays of each month to attend Children’s Church in Watt’s Hall. There, they will listen to a bible lesson, learn about the Methodist Church and praise God through songs and activities. Parents are asked to come to Watt’s hall to pick up their children immediately following church.